myObamacare Re-entry
Health Insurance Program R-HIP

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Re-entry Health Insurance Program

Our R-HIP program is on a mission to ensure that every resident being released from incarceration gains immediate access to essential health insurance coverage. This transformative program was initiated in December 2018 and has since made remarkable strides, successfully enrolling 12,300 individuals transitioning back into society and benefiting over 45,000 individuals overall.

Extensive studies have demonstrated that individuals with prior diagnoses face a significantly higher risk of rearrest after their release. Furthermore, ex-offenders often contend with elevated rates of chronic and infectious diseases, substance addiction, and mental health challenges. Recognizing the critical importance of addressing these health issues, our dedicated team is resolutely committed to reducing recidivism rates and enhancing the quality of life through access to proper healthcare.

R-HIP Partnerships

We have been fortunate to form partnerships with several correctional facilities across the nation, expanding the reach of our mission. As of 2023, our program is fully integrated into six jail counties, making a substantial impact in Georgia’s Muscogee and Gwinnett counties, Tennessee’s Williamson, Davidson, and Hamilton counties, as well as North Carolina’s Mecklenburg county jail. Additionally, we collaborate closely with community coordinators (formally known as Probation Officers) within probation and parole networks to further support individuals recently released from incarceration.

To learn more about how our Re-Entry Health Insurance Program can enhance your law enforcement resources, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our RHIP department directly at Join us in making a difference in the lives of those seeking a fresh start.

Stopping Recidivism

Our R-HIP team not only enrolls recently incarcerated individuals and their loved ones into coverage. We also implement programs within the jails educating individuals on why health is wealth covering nutrition, insurance 101, sex education, and mindfulness. We believe this program further prepares these individuals to be successful as they return to the outside world. We can proudly say that our impact has decreased the rate of recidivism in the jails and probation officers that we collaborate with.

RHIP in a city near you

Every month myObamacare R-HIP team are doing onsite enrollments inside of the local county jails in Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. We take pride in enrolling over 80 individuals at these monthly visits.

  • Georgia: Gwinnett, Fulton, and Muscogee county jails
  • Tennessee: Davidson, Hamilton, and Williamson county jails
  • North Carolina: Mecklenburg county jail

“I’m not going to lie, having health insurance was the last thing on my mind from getting released. However, I was pleased to be welcomed by beautiful ladies upon my release. I am just glad this is one less thing I have to worry about as I remake my life.”


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